Certified Nurse Anesthetist Needed in Pensacola, FL- West Florida Hospital
- Locum
- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
- Florida
- Jan 3, 2025
Job Summary
- 3 Certified Nurse Anesthetist Needed in Pensacola, FL- West Florida Hospital
- Start Date/length of assignment: January 2025- Outgoing
Worksite: West Florida Hospital
Schedule: Monday – Friday 7A-3P or 7A-5P, Minimum Number of shifts per month: 20
On call: Yes, Weekends Preferred, but Not Required
Cases: General, Ortho-Spine, Cardiac, Thoracic, OB/GYN, Urology, ENT, Healthy Peds, Podiatry, ENT, Cath Lab, Endoscopy CRNAs are Medically Directed. CRNAs do NOT do their own blocks – Docs will do these. CRNAs can do their own lines (sometimes docs will do them depending on case & turn over time). CRNAs can do their own spinals and epidurals.
Supervision Ratio: 4 CRNA ; 1 MD
ORs: 12 ORs, 2 CathLabs, 2 Endo, 2 OB
How long does Credentialing Take: 90 days
EMR: Meditech and I Pro for Anesthesia
Special Requirements: ACLS, PALS,Details:
Average Monthly Case: 1278
OB Delivery Average /Month: 40
Must have FL license
Must be Board Certified
Must have clean file and background
Must not have any prior malpractice history or background issues - NPDB self-query (please notify your clinician of this need he/she must agree and send to us directly).
- Skills check list
- Disclosure form ( must be completed and signed by clinician)
- Must have Full-time Open Availability
Bill Rates:220
MALP Billable:
Travel and Lodging Billable? (Y/N)
Name Clear Required: (Y/N)
VMS Fee: 6%