Anesthesiologist Needed in Kissimmee, FL- HCA Poinciana Medical Center
- Locum
- Anesthesiology - General
- Florida
- Jan 3, 2025
Job Summary
- Anesthesiologist Kissimmee, FL- HCA Poinciana Medical Center
Start Date/length of assignment:January 2025- Outgoing
Worksite:Poinciana Medical Center
Schedule: Monday through Sunday; 1 week on; 1 week off 7a-3p, Minimum Number of shifts per month: 14
On call: Yes, 3p-7a
Cases: Gen. Surgery, Ortho, GI, GYN, Bariatric, colorectal, thoracic, Urology, Robotics
Major Case Type: General
Supervision Ratio: 3 CRNA ; 2 MD
ORs: 4; plus Endo Suite
How long does Credentialing Take: 60-90 days
EMR: Medaxion
Special Requirements: ACLS, PALS,
Details: Must have FL license
Must be Board Certified
Must have clean file and background
Must not have any prior malpractice history or background issues
- NPDB self-query (please notify your clinician of this need he/she must agree and send to us directly).
- Skills check list
- Disclosure form ( must be completed and signed by clinician)
- Must have Full-time Open Availability
Bill Rates:300-350.
MALP Billable:
Travel and Lodging Billable? (Y/N)
Name Clear Required: (Y/N)
VMS Fee:
- Anesthesiologist Kissimmee, FL- HCA Poinciana Medical Center
Start Date/length of assignment:January 2025- Outgoing
Worksite:Poinciana Medical Center
Schedule: Monday through Sunday; 1 week on; 1 week off 7a-3p, Minimum Number of shifts per month: 14
On call: Yes, 3p-7a
Cases: Gen. Surgery, Ortho, GI, GYN, Bariatric, colorectal, thoracic, Urology, Robotics
Major Case Type: General
Supervision Ratio: 3 CRNA ; 2 MD
ORs: 4; plus Endo Suite
How long does Credentialing Take: 60-90 days
EMR: Medaxion
Special Requirements: ACLS, PALS,
Details: Must have FL license
Must be Board Certified
Must have clean file and background
Must not have any prior malpractice history or background issues
- NPDB self-query (please notify your clinician of this need he/she must agree and send to us directly).
- Skills check list
- Disclosure form ( must be completed and signed by clinician)
- Must have Full-time Open Availability
Bill Rates:300-350.
MALP Billable:
Travel and Lodging Billable? (Y/N)
Name Clear Required: (Y/N)
VMS Fee:6%